Pennsylvania Car Accident Lawyers
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Roads and highways should be safe for you and your loved ones. If you’ve been injured in a car accident in Pennsylvania, contact a Pennsylvania car accident lawyer immediately to get your fair compensation.
There’s nothing as emotionally and financially devastating as a car accident. Car accidents can result in short- and long-term injuries, death of a loved one, extensive medical bills, loss of income, and changes to your lifestyle. A serious car accident can be one of the most difficult life events to recover from, and if you or a loved one has recently been injured in a car accident, you may be wondering when or if you’ll ever get your life back on track. By contacting a Pennsylvania car accident attorney at Console & Hollawell, you are making the smartest choice in legal representation.
If you or someone you love has recently been in a car accident in Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania car accident attorneys Console & Hollawell are here to help you. With 17 years of experience and an unparalleled record for winning personal injury cases, we understand the devastation that can occur as a result of being in a car accident, and are committed to helping you recover compensation for your injuries.
Causes of Automobile Accidents
There are a variety of causes of Pennsylvania car accidents, from defective products to driver error. Faulty tires, brakes, steering columns, and other manufacturer’s defects have caused accidents, as well as distracted drivers, drunk drivers, fatigued drivers, and irresponsible drivers who aren’t following the laws of the roadways. Poor road signs, obstacles in roads, and roads in disrepair have also caused many automobile accidents in Pennsylvania. A PA car accident attorney can further educate you on causes of automobile accidents and determine is someone else is liable for your injuries.
According to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, there were 1,324 car accident-related deaths on highways in Pennsylvania in 2010. There was an increase in speed-related deaths, from 231 in 2009 to 284 in 2010. Aggressive driving-related deaths increased from 130 to 168.
If you’ve recently been in a car accident, chances are you’ve suffered financial damages related to medical bills, property damage, and loss of income. You may also have endured some pain and suffering. Contact an award-winning PA car accident lawyer at Console & Hollawell today (866) 283-5081 to schedule a free consultation.