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Case Results

omar w salma 3  tamer hosny  dvd

New Jersey and Pennsylvania personal injury lawyers Console & Hollawell share one important thing in common with its clients—the desire to achieve the best results possible. In all cases there’s a winner and a loser, and our goal is always to emerge the winner.

When we get good results, the outcome for the client is the ability to get their lives back on track, both financially and emotionally. The outcome for us is, quite simply, that we get paid.

Every case is as unique as the person behind it, and the value of a case will depend upon your specific circumstances. There is a lot to consider when it comes to how much your case is worth, so you should contact an experienced personal injury attorney immediately to discuss your legal options and the facts of your case.

If you’re looking for a results-driven personal injury law firm, this page tells you everything you need to know. The below list is only a partial list of the types of cases we’ve handled. To learn more about our success with cases similar to yours, contact a New Jersey or Pennsylvania personal injury attorney at Console & Hollawell (866) 283-5081 today.

The below results are no guarantee of results of future cases, and the result of these cases are fact specific and depend on a variety of factors that are beyond the scope of the descriptions on this page.
Medical Malpractice - $1,650,000

Overprescribing medication leading to wrongful death.

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